I've been following the Sotomayor hearings (not that closely, but closely enough) and after I had finished reading a few articles on her, I read one about Sarah Palin.
I'll just say that I am so glad she's out of the picture for now.
The story I read detailed her current life--how she can't get bills through Alaska's legislature because her democrats now hate her, how her teenage daughter has a kid, how her hair is thinning and she needed an emergency repair from her stylist. OMGGGGGGFML.
Sweetheart, get the fuck over it. Understandably, you're exhausted and stressed, you tried to VeeP the land of the free, and it didn't work out. Resigning probably was the best way to go, that makes sense, I'll support that, but I really wish that she could've done it with some dignity.
I'm aware that her entire political presence over the last year or so has been lacking in that department, but the way to go out isn't to let the Times reporters know that you're a little bit skinny and your hair's falling out. Sure, tell them about the fact that your state no longer respects you, tell them you've got 9000 kids and they're your priority, but don't talk about how you're stressed out and can't handle it.
I've never been a politician, but I imagine stress comes with the territory. She's been up there governing for a few years now, she should've known that A)running for any type of national office is going to be difficult, B)wimping out a few months after your party lost the Presidential election is not the way to cement any type of future in politics.
Imagine if McCain had won. Is her behavior now a result of the failure? Or is it just because she was a time bomb and would've done this regardless?
BUT, comparing her to Sotomayor, or really any other woman in politics that I've come across in the years past, I think overall she's unprofessional and...girly. Not that professionalism is synonymous with masculinity, but even Michelle Obama is stronger and more poised than Sarah Palin and her only job is to be the first wife, raise some kids, and support charity or something.
Also, Hillary Clinton may wear hideous suits and has a helmet for hair, but at least she maintained her professionalism post-loss and is continuing to do what she do (and you do what you can do about it). I didn't like her that much, though.
Here's that article.