02 April 2009

Names I Like:

I'm going to name my first dog Lunch.

I'm currently in my Intro to Film class, we're talking about the Western and cross-fertilization and spaghetti and conquering and not conquering...all the while Vicente (read: Bithente) Rodriguez Ortega (professor, mind you) is wearing a silly Ghostbusters tee shirt and either blue or purple chinos (I can't tell, it's definitely somewhere in between.) And gray Tims. If I could figure out how to take a photo, I would, but he's already paying too much attention to me as it is.

The weather's getting warmer, and so that means I can recommence my aversion to pants. I might invest in ilke 9000 pairs of Harem pants because they feel at least a little bit like dresses, except I can play sports or climb shit in them. If you know ANYTHING about me, you know I'm so into sports and climbing shit.

So this is a complete throw away post. There was approximately one thing I actually went into this hoping to say, and I'm...just going to leave you dear readers with that. And by "readers" I mean a total of three people that I won't name so it appears as though my readership is a little more vast.

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